Here are a few reminders and upcoming events in and around WestWinds!
Sidewalks - we got an update from the County yesterday:
Tree removal work between 11215 and 11251 Country Club Road and 11278 - 11298 is now complete.
Stump grinding crews are working to remove a few remaining stumps between 11215 and 11251 Country Club along with the ones between 11278 -11298 Country Club, weather permitting.
Tree Planting. The County has ordered 75 replacement trees (half Japanese Lilac and half Paperbark Maple) to be delivered end of March/beginning of April. Crews will be back in the neighborhood shortly after delivery to plant the new trees! When they come in, we'll post more information about caring for these new trees: what to expect growth-wise, how to care for them, etc.
Reminder: LLA annual dues are due March 1st (tomorrow)! WestWinds dues invoices will go out by email in March: be on the lookout for emails from the board and our accountant, James Kerich.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Annual Meeting and election: this year's annual meeting and Board election is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, April 27th pending confirmation of a venue. Please consider volunteering your time and talents, whether as a director (we have two vacancies!), Treasurer, or a volunteer on one of our committees. See the Volunteers blog post for more information!
Pool parking lot: we have a problem with teens hanging out in the pool parking lot at night and leaving alcohol, fast food containers, articles of clothing (!) and other trash all over the pavement and grass around the pool and basketball court. Also, someone dumped a mattress inside the trash enclosure, which is being used as mattresses are often used. LLA will haul it away, but please don't dump your trash there! We have a perfectly good dump that takes all kinds of refuse, and you can call J&J Trash Service to arrange bulk pickup of items that won't fit inside your bins. On that note, please ensure that all trash is placed inside sealed garbage bags on Fridays. If you generate more trash than will fit into a single bin, you can get extras by calling the number on the side of your trash bin. Stuffing loose trash into an overflowing bin results in garbage being blown into the street and into your neighbors' yards. Trash and recycling bins should be stored out of sight in your garage or in a screened location on the side or back of your home.
Coffee and Conversation with Michelle: LLA's General Manager has started a new monthly series of conversations at Oakdale Town Center. A few WestWinders attended this morning and WOW! I came away with several pages of notes. Residents from most of the villages attended and asked great questions on issues ranging from golf carts to amenities, construction, parking, ECC applications, Esplanade repairs, annual dues calculation - you name it! One takeaway: there is so much information available in LLA's Condo Certs portal. It's a great self-service option in addition to contacting your Village Chair or LLA Village Manager with questions. Of course, you can always contact the WW board as well - if we don't know the answer, we'll try to find out for you!