West Winds HoA meetings are held in person on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm at 11330 Country Club Road (Raj's West Wind Bar & Grille). We are working toward offering a "hybrid" meeting format that will allow residents to attend in person or via MS Teams. Stay tuned for updates!
Annual Dues- if you are experiencing financial hardships and cannot pay your annual dues, please contact our Treasurer at Treasurer@westwindshoa.org to work out a confidential agreement.
Selling your home? To avoid unexpected expenses and delays in Closing, please note that LLA conducts resale inspections to determine whether external improvements/changes to your home have been approved by the WestWinds ECC! Please see our ECC page for more information about applications and our covenants.
Notice to Residents- Please add the email address President@westwindshoa.org to your email Contacts list to prevent HoA emails going to your Spam folder. The HoA sends out notices and Microsoft Teams invites for virtual HoA meetings.